Friday, July 06, 2007

Wild Life in Sri Lanka

I just wanted to share with you'll the remarkable beauty of Wild Life in Sri Lanka which I more than assure you of being among the best in the world!

I have traveled to 6 of the many gifted Jungles and National parks in Sri Lanka and words fail me when trying to put the experience in to sentences! Because its simply breath-taking! The scenic beauty is unbelievable and life is so free of trouble and pressure...and thats when you seriously tend to wonder if the effort you put in studying your 'asses' out, trying to earn that extra bit of cash to make each day a little better, let alone the money you spend on them, is actually worth it...

I encourage you to explore these jungles atleast once, because I know none of you all will regret it....I personally think each and every Sri Lankan should get involved in preserving these natural resources gifted to this wonderful country...Please do your part, because I'm doing mine...and others...please do visit and experience the difference!

The picture of the Elephant you see, was taken on our expedition to Udawalawe National Park....


Ineshka said...

Hey! :) I am so glad you finally started writing your own post! As I have always known, you are indeed a gifted writer :) Bravo on this lovely narration about the wildlife of Sri Lanka :)

It is indeed a very valuable lesson that you are writing about here. Each and everyone of us should be aware of the dangers that wildlife throughout the world is facing and must do our bit to preserve it!

With regard to our day-in, day-out toiling to make money, well I think its all worth it :) You are able to travel so far and wide (I think its a magnificant feat that you have travelled to 6 national parks in SL) and spend money and time on it BECAUSE you studied your ass out and work hard at whatever career that you chose. Nobody said that life is a bed of roses, we all have to pay our dues to enjoy it :)

Again, my congratulations on your first post - beautifully written and well said! :)

I once read a quote by an author. It said : "Write about something you care about and that you think others should care about. Then writing becomes easy and will come naturally to you". I know you always thought that you were not a good writer, but I think this post proves you quite incapable of judging yourself!! heheee :) I know you care deeply about this subject matter and others should too. And I think that this is what made your hidden writing abilities come out :) May you write more! :)

Unknown said...

First of all congratulations on your first post..:)It is indeed a timely topic to write about. The entire world is talking about global warming and Al gore is hosting Live Earth what kind of value our tiny island got? It is a bio-diversity hot spot. What is the value of Sinharaja? Does many people know about our flora and fauna? I doubt...! Sri Lanka is well is blessed with mother nature it has got numerous jungles, waterfalls, beaches, rivers, birds and many more. But how many people do have intrest on these places? do they know as much as they know about bollywood stars? I doubt.
I have been lucky enough to visit many of these places. My first trip to yala was when i was just 12 years old...before we moved in to the city i grew up in the estate in my home town where nature was close to made me fond of birds and wild animals.....I belive I might have had at least a tiny influence on you guys to love nature by introducing many places... and i feel very happy about that...there are many more places for us to explore within this small country...i wish we will have enough time to travel to those wonderful places. But please don't wait till then to start protecting nature....start it from your own backyard...It is our country and it is our duty....Well done on this effort by writing this and keep up the good work...:)

Dr.Germ said...

Hmmmm....Sorry for the late reply, guess I should be checking my blog more often eh? :) I must say a BIG THANK YOU to Ineshka for enlightening me on what blogs are actually meant for and forever encouraging me to write my own stuff (although this post of mine is absolutely incomparable to what she produces!! [Check Ineshka - An Amazing Writer from the Wonderful Land of Oz])Yes, I shall find time to write more :)

As for Daham, A BIG THANK YOU goes out to you too, because you indeed was the friend who inspired me to get involved with the wildlife here in Sri Lanka.